Trailing adventures

About Me

Defining adventure

Adventure is a mindset, the willingness to venture into the unknown, setting aside expectation and worries; to wander and to tread beyond the paths most travelled.
True adventures are few and far between but they present us with moments of ecstatic beauty that manifests into the purest form of happiness.

Those moments of are what I strive for in life. I seek to share my adventures and those moments to inspire you to find your own moments.

This is a blog for everyone, whether you are an adventurer and hiker or just like pretty pictures and cool stories. You will find stories and inspiration that will motivate you to step into a pair of hiking shoes or explore your own adventures. I will also be posting tips and gear reviews to provide you with the confidence to pursue your own adventures.

Pacific Crest Trail 2018

March 21st, 2018 ~However Long It Takes
Click Here!

About me

My name is David and I am a backpacker, traveller, photographer and an adventurer.

Backpacking is my biggest passion because it lets me immerse myself in nature. It takes me to places most people dream about. Allows me to explore without limits.

My passion for backpacking and my drive for adventures started on a cold weekend searching for the wild and elusive Limestone Lakes. That place is special to me because the excitement and ecstasy I felt that weekend was what drove me to take on bigger and better adventures and now on to the Pacific Crest Trail.

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