Trailing PCT

March 21st, 2018
About MeHike to Conquer ALS

On March 21st, I start my journey of the Pacific Crest Trail, 4300 km continuous footpath from the Mexican border to the Canadian border through California, Oregon, and Washington.

This page is the one stop shop for everything PCT. You can follow my trip live, see what I am bringing with me and read the latest articles!


Want to find out more about the PCT?

I’m a PCTA P3 Hiker! What does that mean? 9 other PCT hikers and I will be ambassadors for the Pacific Crest Trail to promote, protect and preserve the PCT. Sponsored by Osprey Packs and Salomon. Check out my profile and find out more about P3 Hikers and the PCTA here!

Latest PCT Blog Posts

My longest day on the PCT

Hike -> buffet -> more hiking

If someone has put that on paper I would’ve been, wait a minute, that sounds like a horrible idea. But that’s exactly what I did.

Let’s go back to the start of this day where I hiked 25 miles in 30+ C weather and what might be my first moment of desperation.

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Welcome to the PCT Lifestyle

The PCT is definitely not what I expected.

That was a bit of a “click bait”. The PCT was not what I expected because it was more than anything I would’ve imagined.

Hiking on the PCT, I have woken up to an new adventure everyday, not knowing what waits ahead of me or where I will sleep that night. I have learned to cast doubts and worries away. Experienced the magnificent wonder of nature at every corner and the comradery from strangers on a daily basis.

Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail has not been a vacation or a trip, it has became my lifestyle… And I love every second of it.

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My Transition from Actuarial Analyst to Homeless PCT Hiker

This story is about my experience of going from office worker to homeless (technically) hiker. It seems so insignificant in the grand scheme of things but no one told me how stressful it was and how much of it becomes your PCT experience. I wanted to write about this to document this period of time before my life goes a whole different direction. This is when reality hits and the adventure starts for me.

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