What is the Sierra High Route? A 195 mile adventure hiking north to south through the high Sierras, sticking as close to the crest of the mountain ranges as possible.

It runs parallel to the John Muir trail but where the JMT descend into forested area to circumvent the high ridges of the crest, the Sierra High Route embraces them head on. The route has about 100 miles of off trail travel and various class III scrambling terrain. With no trail to guide you, navigation with map and compass becomes part of the adventure.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because in a few days, my friend Lost (@lostuphigh) and I are going to start the Sierra High Route and try to accomplish a thru-hike on one of the most difficult thru-hikes in America.

It’s going to be difficult, we need to be precise with our navigation and map reading, traverse difficult and scrambling terrain, and climb huge elevation at 12,000 feet.

Why are we hiking the Sierra High Route

Well for Lost, I dragged him into it and he wants pretty photos.

For me, I think the biggest reason is the sense of adventure. To not have a trail defined for you to know exactly where to go all the time. It’s about discovering the most remote part of the planet and give in my sense of wonder to truly explore and find my own path.

Also, I want to take the opportunity to take some incredible photos and work on being a better photographer and learn more skills as an adventurer.

I have no idea what challenges we will face on this trip and if we will be able to successfully complete it.

I hope you will cheer us on and follow along on this journey into the most remote wilderness. Prepare for incredible photos and amazing stories.

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